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Hawaiian Reef Animals- How do they protect thems ...

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Bonus: What is the name of this fish?
Triggerfish also known as the humuhumunukunukuapua'a
Bonus: What the name of this fish?
Parrot fish also known as uhu
What does Lauwiliwilinukunukuoioi mean?
Lau means leaf, from the Wiliwili tree. Nukunuku means long snout. Oioi means sharp.
How does the tide pool hermit crab protects itself?
Their strong shell protects them from predators. They have a symbiotic relationship with sea anemones. The sea anemone eats scraps of food that the hermit crab
How does the Scarlet Cleaners Shrimp protects itself?
They have a protective shell They have a symbiotic relationship with fish and eels. The shrimp cleans off deadly parasites on fishes/eels and the fishes/eels p
How does the garden eel protects itself?
It hides in their burrows so predators can’t attack
How does the pufferfish protects itself?
Swallow water to expand and expose their sharp spines. Sharp spines are toxic (poisonous), it could kill.
How does an octopus protects itself?
Camouflage, Squirts ink, or 8 long legs with strong suction tentacles
What is the name of this fish?
Long nose butterfly fish also known as lauwiliwilinukunukuoioi