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Chapter 6 Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Poverty and malnutrition occur when there are too many people and not enough [births, medicine, resources].
Driving a car, eating an apple, and heating your home are all examples of [consumption, affluence, equity].
[Consuming, Recycling, Driving] is a way to reduce one's environmental impact.
People who do not get enough to eat can suffer from [dysentery, chicken pox, malnutrition].
In [overpopulated, renewable, affluent] societies, there is often a high standard of living.
Some resources are [renewable, non-renewable, exponential], meaning they can regenerate if not used too quickly.
During [malnutrition, consumption, migration] resources are used and waste is produced.
The [fertility rate, exponential growth, population trend] is the average number of children produced by women in a certain area.
Fertility rate
People of [fertility rate, birth rate, reproductive age] are capable of having children.
Reproductive age
Scientists called [biologists, demographers, zoologists] study population and population trends.
Something that grows by larger and larger amounts shows [consumption, exponential growth, fertility rate].
Exponential growth
Food shortages and disease can increase [death rates, shoe sizes, water quality]
Death rates
When a population is too large to be sustained by available resources, [malnutrition, population trend, overpopulation] has happened.
The number of births per 1,000 people each year is the [population trend, fertility rate, birth rate]
Birth rate
Chemicals that are [nontoxic, toxic, affluent] do not harm the environment.
When people or animals move from one place to another, it is called [immigration, migration, emigration].
A change in population over time is called a(n) [overpopulation, consumption, population trend].
Population trend
Decomposed organic waste used to add nutrients to crops is called [compost, renewable, affluent].