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Past Simple Starters

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Yesterday I _______(feel) happy!
I gave him 10 euros and he gave me 5 euros __________ (Ρέστα in English)
C _ i l _
E g _ p t
My mother didn't cooked / cook pasta yesterday.
I didn't go/went to the supermarket yesterday
Yesterday, I ________ (be) very happy.
The past simple of the verb 'to be'
True or False: To make an IRREGULAR verb into the past we just add 'ed' at the end.
FALSE. Irregular verbs are naughty, they do not follow rules!! They are from outer space!!
True or False: To make a REGULAR verb into the past we just add 'ed' at the end.
Make this sentence in the present: I wrote a poem.
I write a poem
Make this sentence in the present: I rode my bike.
I ride my bike
Make this sentence in the past: I eat breakfast.
I ate breakfast
Make this sentence in the past: I go to my grandma's house.
I went to my grandma's house
Make this sentence in the past: I dance at the party.
I danced at the party.
Make this sentence in the past: I play football.
I played football
Mark and Oliver ________ very happy last Tuesday. (be)
Yesterday, Daisy _________ Clara and Oliver. (phone)