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Science Chapter 3

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What happens to the force of gravity between two objects when the mass of one of the objects is increased? A. It stays the same B. It decreases C. It increases D. It moves in the opposite direction
C. It increases if the mass increases
Gravity is the force that causes objects to: A. Push apart B. Pull towards each other C. Move uphill D. Stop moving
B. pull towards each other
Choose one: Motion is when one object changes (time, position, reference, force) compared to another object
If you are in the car going to the store, how will you know the car is moving?
You will see objects that are stationary move past you (using a point of reference)
How are the amount of force needed to change the motion an object and the mass of the object related?
The more mass of an object, the more force that is needed to change the motion. It takes more force to change the motion of a toy car versus a real car.
Does a bowling ball have more, less, or the same matter on the earth compared to the moon?
It has the same matter. Matter doesn't change.
Does a tennis ball weigh more on the moon or on the earth?
It weighs more on the earth
If you are pulling a wagon full of pumpkins and remove a pumpkin from the wagon, how will the amount of force need to pull the wagon change?
You will need less force to pull the wagon since some of the weight was removed
The earth has more _________ than the moon
The force of gravity is stronger on (earth or the moon)
An objects weight is _________on earth than the moon
What measures how strong the force of gravity is on an object
True or False. Mass will change.
False. Mass will never change
What measures how much matter is in an object?
True or False: Weight and mass are the same thing
True or false: The force of gravity increases as objects move farther apart
False. It increases as objects move closer
The force of gravity increases as the object increases _______
its mass
The force of gravity is (less or more) on small objects
Less. Example: less force of gravity on a balloon (it floats down slowly) than a basketball (it falls quickly)
What two things does the strength of the force of gravity depend on?
The mass of the object The distance between them
What is the force that pulls an object towards each other?
True or False: To move an object with more mass, you will need more force.
True. Give an example
True or False: Mass also determines how an object moves
True. What else determines how an object moves besides mass??
Classmates playing tug of war with nobody moving is an example of what?
Balanced forces
What are balanced forces?
Forces that act in opposite direction and cancel each other (Remember the example of the dogs pulling a rope)
The amount of force acting on an object affects how the object changes ____________ or ______________
Speed or direction (OR BOTH)
True or False: A moving object changes its motion only when a force acts on it
True or false: A force cannot cause a change in motion
Two dogs are pulling on a rope with the same force and the opposite direction. Will the dogs move? Explain
No, they won't move. The are pulling equally with the same force in opposite direction
True or false: All forces have size and direction
True or false: The strength of the push or pull does not affect the motion
False. Give an example how this is not true
What can change both the motion and position of an object?
Pushing and pulling
How is moving a marble on a table an example of a contact force?
You must push or hit the marble with your finger or some other object to make it move
What type of force is one that must touch an object to affect it?
Contact force
True or false: A force can make an object that is standing still move in the direction opposite the force
False. A force moves the object in the SAME direction as the force. Example: pushing a door will make the door move in the direction you push
4 ways a force can affect the motion of an object are:
Can make a standing still object move Can make an object move faster Can make an object slow down or stop Can make an object change direction
A force is any _______ or _______
Push or pull
What makes objects move or stop?
A place or object used to determine if an object is in motion is called what?
A reference point
What is like your point of view?
Frame of reference
What is like your point of view?
Frame of reference
What is the change in one object's position compared with another object's position?
Relative motion
What do we compare objects to that change positions?
Objects that don't change position (reference point)
What are two fixed objects you pass while walking around the block?
A tree A house A parked car
True or False: A fixed object is one that is moving around.
False. A fixed object is standing still
What is the change in position of an object?
What are the 4 ways an object can move?
In a straight line In a curved path As vibration (back and forth) As rotation