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science 6th grade

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Heterogeneous mixture ?
You can see the different parts of a heterogeneous mixture and can easily be separated out. Like a salad or sand
What is the charge of the surrounding are a of the nucleus? ( positive or negative)
The cloud around the nucleus is negative charge.
What is the charge of an atom? (Positive or Negative)
an atom has a positively charged center or another name for "center" is the nucleus.
What is the basic particle from which all things are made?
What is the particle theory of matter?
The particle theory explains that all matter is made of ATOMS.
What are the simplest substances and can be identified by its specific property. Like aluminum, tin, helium, oxygen . They are represented by a letter symbol C for carbon, O for oxygen
A ______ is a substance that can not be broken down by physical or chemical means.
TRUE or FALSE: Scientist know that all matter in the universe is made of >100different substances called elements.
What are the 4 elements matter was believed to be made up of. HINT: This was over 2,000 years ago.
Fire, water, air, earth
What are the chemical properties of matter?
Chemical property is a characteristic of a substance that can be CHANGED into different substances. To observe this, you must try to change it into another sub
What are the physical properties of matter?
A physical property can be OBSERVED and does not change into another substance.
How do we describe matter?
We describe matter by its properties: physical or chemical properties.
Why is Salt or Water considered pure substance?
water is always pure because it always stays the same whether it comes from a glacier or geyser. Salt is always pure whether from sea or mine.
What is a substance?
a Substance is a single kind of matter that is PURE. Meaning, it always has a specific makeup or composition. Like salt or water.
what is matter?
anything that as mass and takes up space. Air, plastic, metal, wood, glass, paper, and cloth are examples.
Am I considered matter?
Yes, and All the stuff around you.
List properties to describe matter:
it as different properties and characteristics to identify and classify it, such as HARD, SOFT ,HOT, COLD, LIQUID, SOLID, OR GAS.
What is chemistry?
The study of matter and how matter changes.