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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It was ................. a beautiful sword that Bedivere ....................... to keep it.
such, decided
"Your ..........................., I couldn´t ..................... Excalibur away. I´m sorry" , said Sir Bedivere.
Majesty, throw
Sir Bedivere ....................... to throw the sword out into the lake.
Arthur ..................... the day when he .......................... Excalibur very well.
remembered, received
King Arthur was very ....................... . He ....................... to believe the knight´s story.
angry, refused
The battle at Camlan ....................... all day.
On the ................ .................... Bedivere stopped to hide the sword in the .................... .
way, back, bushes
Bedivere ..................... on the ...................... of the lake but he couldn´t ........................ throwing it away.
stood, shore, imagine
The King was too ...................... to move so Sir Bedivere .................... to take it t
weak, offered
That was a long time ............. that King Arthur received a ................. ................... from the Lady of the Lake.
ago, magic sword
The ....................... Avalon was in the .................... of the lake.
island, middle
Only one of Arthur´s knights ..................... - Sir Bedivere.
After the .............. at Camlan, the king´s son was .................... and king Arthur was .................. ........................ .
battle, dead, badly, wounded
Two ................ started ...................... early in the morning.
armies, fighting
King Atrhur´s last battle was ................ his ............. son.
against, own
...................... of the Round table fought many ..................
Knights, battles