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Adults Revision (Doubts)
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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By the time the gallery reported the theft, the painting ______________(sell).
had been sold
The restoration work ____________________ (complete) next month.
won't be completed
Passive: The art museum _________________ (restore) at the moment.
is being restored
Only two of the paintings in this exhibition ____________________(buy) so far.
have been bought
Passive: This painting can _______________ (interpret) in a number of different ways.
be interpreted
Passive: Picasso’s Guernica _____________ (move) to Spain from New York in 1981
was moved
I like playing / to play Baskteball on Saturdays with my friends.
to play (habit)
I love playing / to play Basketball. It's all I do.
playing (general)
A: Mum, I dropped the glass of milk. B: It doesn't matter/mind . Don't worry.
I don't mind / matter. Just buy whatever you want.
I don't matter / mind here. Nobody cares about me.
A: What's wrong? B: _______ , I'm fine.
Is there ______ in the room?
She didn't bring ______ to the party.
We went _______ this weekend. We stayed at home.
Does ________ have a phone charger? (I don't know if a person has a charger or not.)
anyone / anybody
She put ______ in the box, all the things that she had.
She wants to live ___________- by the sea (in a certain place).
I came _____ see you.
I came ____ you.
I went to the bank ____ get some money