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Prepare 5 Review 7 &8

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is Pablo´s bedroom ___________ (tidy) than Alba´s?
Your house is far from the Academy, but Ana´s house is the ___________ as she lives in Arganda
furthest / farthest
This laptop is _______________ I have ever bought. Although the keyboard is _________ my last one (equal to the last)
the worst as good as
Thank you, it was the _______ (good) advice I have ever received.
I prefer this chair. The other one is _______(not/ comfortable) this one.
not as comfortable
I want to wear ________ (smart) clothes than the ones I´m wearing
What is the word in English for the words in a song
I _____________ in my school theatre show last year ( perform)
Correct or incorrect : I know my English teacher since October.
Incorrect : I have know my English teacher since October
We made a ________ of Happy birthday on whatsapp to send to my best friend ( record)
My sister is a very ________person. She can play the piano, the trumpet and the cello (music)
Kate hasn´t listened / didn´t listen to the new Selena Gomez´ song last night
didn´t listen
The Hilton best hotel in Rome has spectacular/ historic views over the city
My brother has lots of stylish/ fresh ideas for renovating his new flat
I´ve painted my room, but it looks really/ absolutely bad
That meal was absolutely/ incredibly tasty- thanks!
Jenny´s parents´ house is absolutely / very enormous
Our hotel room was extremely/ absolutely big with views of the sea
Sharon is feeling absolutely/ very happy because she´s passed her exams
I´m incredibly/ absolutely tired. I think I´ll go to bed early.