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EET - Question game - unscramble the questions

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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does /the/ boy/ what/ his/ hand?/ have/ in
What does the boy have in his hand?
does/ a kilo/ how/ much /cost? /of /rice
How much does a kilo of rice cost?
they/ can/ box?/ the/ move
Can they move the box?
whose /this?/ is/ book
Whose book is this?
so/ why/ happy?/ was/ Jane
Why was Jane so happy?
then?/ he/ what/ do/ did
What did he do then?
today? /can’t /she/ bake/ why /a /cake
Why can't she bake a cake today?
party? /go/ Mary/ why /their/ to/ didn’t
Why didn't Mary go to their party?
should /do? /he /what
What should he do?
should /do? /he /what
What should he do?
they /study/ in /a /lab? /animals/ why/ do
Why do they study animals in a lab?
camera?/ we/ do/ with/ what /do/ a
What do we do with the camera?
book? /why/ her/ give/ did/ your/ you
Why did you give her your book?
borrow?/ to/ does /she /want/ what
What does she want to borrow?
why/ eat/ didn’t/ man/ the/ fruits?/the
Why didn't the man eat the fruits?
we /what/ do/ there?/ will
what will be do there?