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Who is this person?
Sakonji Urokodaki
Who is this person?
What type of wood is placed on Nezuko's lips?
What color is Tanjiro Kamado's blade?
who is this?
Eren Yeager
Why are all these characters the same?
They are all blue
Why are all these characters the same?
They are all orange
my monster has 2 eyes, facial hair but no arms.
my monster is number 3
My monster has 2 mouths but 4 arms.
my monster is number 2
My monster has 1 eye and wings
Monster number 4
Which one is different
What is the only way to kill a titan?
Titans can only be killed by cutting their necks
In Demon Slayer Can any demon kill another demon?
No they cant
Who is this
Which is stronger Muzan or Nezuko Kamado
Which is stronger Gyomei Himejima or Tanjiro Kamado
Gyomei Himejima
who is the biggest titan
god of titan
Which one has a red hat
number 2
Which is more powerful Cart Titan or Attack Titan?
Attack Titan