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St Patrick's Day

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Why did hundreds of thousands of Irish immigrants go to America?
the potato famine in Ireland
When did the Great Potato Famine hit Ireland?
in the 1840s
What is a popular St. Patrick's Day custom today?
wearing green clothing
Why are snakes unable to migrate to Ireland?
the water surrounding Ireland is too cold for them to travel through
What myth was told about St. Patrick?
that he drove all the snakes out of Ireland
How many people watch the New York City St. Patrick's Day parade each year?
about 3 million
How many people participate in the St. Patrick's Day parade held in New York City each year?
about 200,000 people
In what year did the first recorded St. Patrick's Day parade take place?
Where did the first recorded St. Patrick's Day parade take place?
New York
The tradition of St. Patrick's Day parades started in which country?
United States of America
Name one of the real plants that looks like the shamrock.
Wood sorrel or white and yellow clover
In 18th century Ireland, people started to wear _____ on their clothes to show their Irish Christian pride.
St. Patrick used the shamrock to explain what religious idea?
the Holy Trinity (the Father, Son and Holy Spirit)
Which animal does not exist in Ireland?
Centuries after his death, St. Patrick became honored as the ________ ________ of Ireland.
patron saint
In what year did St. Patrick die?
in the year 461
What did St. Patrick work as when he returned to Ireland?
he worked as a Christian missionary
For how long was St. Patrick held captive by his kidnappers?
for 6 years
At what age was St. Patrick kidnapped by Irish raiders?
at age 16
When St. Patrick was born, Britain was part of what empire?
the Roman Empire
Where was St. Patrick born?
St. Patrick's Day is on the _______ of March each year.