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Ancient Egypt 1

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What did the pharaoh do? At least 3 responsibilities
He was in charge of the government, law, trade and foreign policy. He as also the chief priest and commander.
Who was Hatshepsut?
An Egyptian queen who ruled successfully for many years.
T or F (provide explanation if false) The king had only one wife.
FALSE. He had several wives but only one queen.
T or F - Was the king owner of everything there was in Egypt?
Who were the Scribes?
The only people who knew how to read and write.
Who was the first pharaoh?
It was the Sun god, called Re.
What did Egyptians think about the Pharaos?
They thought they were gods.
Were pyramids built for anyone in Egypt?
No. Only for kings and queens.
T or F (provide explanation if false) The pyramids built for the queen and the other wives were smaller than the pyramid for the king.
What were the Pyramids for?
For the kings of Egypt to be buried in.
T or F (provide explanation if false) The area away from the Nile is called "The brown Land"
FALSE. It is called "The Red Land"
What did people living in the oases do?
They traded salt, cattle and crafts.
Why did the Egyptians settled along the Nile River?
Because it provided water, food, transportation and excellent, fertile soil for growing food.
T or F (provide explanation) Wokers built the Pyramids for the King as a gift.
FALSE. They worked for the king as a sort of tax.