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How many animals do you see?您看到多少只� ...

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many animals do you see?您看到多少只动物
1 monkey 1只猴子
How many animals do you see?您看到多少只动物
5 birds 5只鸟
How many animals do you see?您看到多少只动物
4 tigers 4只老虎
How many animals do you see?您看到多少只动物
3 bears 3只熊
How many animals do you see?您看到多少只动物
2 cats, 1 dog 2只猫,1只狗
How many animals do you see?您看到多少只动物
4 Seals 4只海豹
How many animals do you see?您看到多少只动物
2 dogs 2只狗
How many animals do you see?您看到多少只动物
5 dogs 5只狗
How many animals do you see?您看到多少只动物
2 Penguins 2只企鹅
How many animals do you see?您看到多少只动物
7 cats 7只猫
How many animals do you see?您看到多少只动物
1 pig, 1 chicken 1只猪,1只鸡
How many animals do you see?您看到多少只动物
3 只狼
How many animals do you see?您看到多少只动物
2 bunnies 2只兔子