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Everyday Inventions
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It's a system that uses information from satellites to find the best way of getting to a place.
A portable consumer electronic device that allows you to store and plays music files in MP3 format.
MP3 Player
It's a gadget that records and stores digital images.
Digital camera
It's a handheld device on which electronic versions of books, newspapers, magazines, etc., can be read.
It's a machine for washing things made of cloth
Washing machine
It is a device that causes suction in order to remove debris from floors, carpets and other surfaces.
Vacuum cleaner
It's a device that controls a machine, especially a television or VCR, from a distance.
Remote control
It is a portable device mainly used for working, you can make documents, presentations, graphics, edit, etc.
It is a machine that washes dirty plates, cups, forks
They're small gadgets that can be worn in or around your ears.
It's an appliance that cooks or heats food very quickly.
Microwave Oven
You put all the groceries you buy at the supermarket here
Refrigerator / Fridge
You can use this gadget to make calls, surf the web, play games, download apps, etc
mobile phone/ cell phone