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Beginning: Secret of NIMH

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe Mr. Ages
Wise, elderly, knowledgeable
Describe Mrs. Frisby.
Loving mother, determined, brave, ...
Why was visiting the owl a risky thing for Mrs. Frisby to do?
Owls eat mice, he might not help her.
Describe one odd thing about the Rats.
The cat leaves them alone, they have a 'reputation' of secrecy, strength...
How did Mrs. Frisby help Jeremy?
Saved him (untangled him)
What does the owl advise her to do?
Go see the Rats (and move the house to the lee side of the stone)
What favour does Mrs. Frisby ask Jeremy for?
She asks for a ride to see the Owl.
Foreshadowing is a literary device where the author provides a hint as to what happens later in the story. How might the warning of Mr. Ages be an example of this?
Timothy might have to 'breath cold air' if Moving Day comes too quickly.
Why did Mrs. Frisby go to see Mr. Ages? What did he advise her?
She went to ask for medicine for Timothy/Advice. He told her he should not breath cold air.
Although Timothy was quite frail, what did he have going for him?
Thoughtful, smart
An exciting story relies on a crisis to make things more interesting for the reader. What crisis is described in the first chapter?
Timothy falls ill, just before Moving Day
What event seemed to cause Timothy’s health problems?
A spider bite