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1st and 2nd Conditionals

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you (not consult) your GP, you'll feel worse.
don't consult
If you oversleep, you (miss) the sunrise.
will miss
The Greys will visit us if they (have) enough time.
I (stand) by you if you need me.
will stand
If you (not put) the milk in the fridge, it will go bad.
don't put
If Mary (not wash) the dishes, I will have to do it.
doesn't wash
If it starts raining, we (not go) out.
won't go
If Jack (get) a present, he'll be extremely happy.
If he lies again, we (punish) him.
will punish
George will repeat the course if he (fail) an exam.
If you (not feel) well, I'll give you some medicine.
don't feel
If John (hurry up), he won't miss his bus.
hurries up
If out car breaks down, we (have to) go on foot.
will have to
If today were Sunday, we (not go) to school.
wouldn't go
She wouldn't be so popular if she (not be) an actress.
Jenny would get slim if she (stop) eating sweets.
I (not work) hard if I were a millionaire.
wouldn't work
Everybody (like) you if you weren't so mean.
would like
If Tom (be) rich, Mary would marry him.
If Nigel (leave) for a long time, Ann would miss him a lot.
If John had a girlfriend, he (give) her flowers every day.
would give
If the shops were open, I (buy) some milk.
would buy
I (be) seasick if we travelled by ship.
would be