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Right On 3 Module 3 revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Third conditional is made with if + ........
had + third form + would + have + third form
second conditional is made with if + .........
past simple + would + infinitive without 'to'
zero conditional is made with if + ...........
present simple + present simple
The first conditional is made with if + .......
present simple + will + infinitive without 'to'
If a detective investigates a crime they look after/into it
Put your skills into/for practice
A person who works on a boat/ship is a ________
A person who acts in a film is an __________
When you go for a short trip to e.g. Paris, Rome or London
a city break
the type of holiday where you send your time visiting famous places and monuments
a sight-seeing holiday
the type of holiday when you travel on a luxury ship
a cruise
The name of a vacation where you work for free to help people in need. _______________ ___________________
volunteer holiday
'poaching' is another word for the killing of wild animals ___________ _____________
illegal hunting
Sadly there is illegal selling of cats, dogs and other small animals. This is called the ______ ___________
pet trade
This is the result of smog and it becomes dangerously high and difficult to breathe. (2 words)
pollution levels
When humans cut down the rainforest animals suffer and lose their homes. This is called ___________ __________
habitat loss
Firefighters cannot be scared in their jobs. They must be very ______________
most children in England wear a school _______________
when you only work 2 or 3 days a week you have a __________ job
when you have to work at different times eg. in the morning, afternoon or evening e.g. a nurse
the opposite of 'indoors'
what you check on a thermometer
weather that is crazy and wild
extreme weather
Cold mountains of solid frozen water in the north and south pole
Ice caps/bergs
A place in hot tropical countries full of trees, animals, insects and wet weather