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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Read this word correctly: adjust
ad/just = adjust
Read this word correctly: snapshot
snap/shot = snapshot
Read this word correctly: clampet
clam/pet = clampet
Read this word correctly: splendid
splen/did = splendid
Read this word correctly: griskin
gris/kin = griskin
Read this word correctly: grommet
grom/met = grommet
What is Mrs. Macali's favorite blend sound
List 2 ending L Blend sounds
-lp -lk -lf -ld
List 3 ending T Blend sounds
-ct -ft -lt -nt -xt -pt -st
List 1 W Blend sound
dw sw tw
List 3 S Blends sounds
sc sk sm sn sp st squ
List 3 L Blends sounds
bl cl fl gl pl sl spl
List 3 R Blends sounds
br cr fr gr pr dr tr str shr thr spr scr
Correctly sound out this word: bogus
bo/gus = bogus
Name two syllable types
Open and Closed
What is the Sammy Loves Friendly Zebras rule?
ff, ll, ss, zz - one syllable ending in f, l, s, or z become twins after a vowel