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USH Unit 2 - Gilded Age test review

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What's a labor union?
An organization that helps protect the rights of workers
Name 3 problems of the Gilded Age
Working conditions, living conditions, civil rights, monopolies, child labor etc.
What is Urbanization?
Process of making an area more urban
What is Industrialization?
Wide scale development of industries
Describe the difference what it was like for Asian Immigrants to come to America vs. European Immigrants who came to America in the late 1800s
I'll decide if you got it right :)
The tycoon that had a monopoly on the steel industry was
Andrew Carnegie
What was the goal of a muckraker
To reveal the unfortunate realities of Americans especially in urban slums, and for black and women's civil rights
The 19th Amendment did what?
Give women the right to vote
What did the Sherman Antitrust Act do?
Outlawed Monopolies
What Gilded Age problem did Jane Addams focus on?
The poor, specifically immigrants and children
What Gilded Age Problem did Booker T Washington focus on
Black Civil rights - specifically education
Ida Tarbell, Ida b. Wells, Jacob Riis, and Upton Sinclair are all examples of...
What is a Monopoly?
Exclusive ownership of a good, supply, or company
What industry made John D. Rockefeller a Billionaire?
What industry made Cornelius Vanderbilt a tycoon?
Railroad Industry
A Robber Baron is...
someone who became rich through ruthless and unscrupulous business practices
A captain of Industry is a person who...
A business leader whose fortune contributed positively to the country
The term Gilded means...?
Covered in a layer of gold
Describe the correlation between industrialization, immigration, and urbanization
I'll decide if you got it right :)
What did the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) do?
Prohibited the immigration of Chinese laborers to America
True or False: The U.S. Government encouraged Native Americans tribes to practice the antient ritual of Ghost Dance and did not try to intervene
True or False: Native Americans were grateful for the Dawes Act because it gave them more land
True or False: Native Americans were not forced from their lands until 1830
Why did Christians want to participate in westward expansion?
They believed they should "help" Native Americans by converting them and "civilizing" them
What did the Homestead Act do?
Gave up to 160 acres of land to white families to encourage them to move west
What was the Dawes Act?
Forced Native American Tribes to Assimilate to white culture by taking Native American land and assigning plots to individual native Americans
Name 2 motivations for westward expansion in America
The homestead Act, Religion, The Transcontinental Railroad, The Oregon Trail, Mining, Opportunity, Money
What is Manifest Destiny?
The belief that the United States was destined to dominate the entire country and expand west