Edit Game
Unit 6. B, C

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The word/ phrase means “to make something a success or a failure”
make or break
Missing letters “ _a_ole
Definition of grab ?
To take hold of something or someone suddenly and roughly
Synonym for "cajole" ?
sweet-talk / blandish
Put in a right order to make a word/ phrase " SITDANISHM"
hit and miss
Synonym for "on and off'' ?
Look at the picture and guess the word
Look at the picture and guess the word
Look at the picture and guess the word
Look at the picture and guess the word
Look at the picture and guess the word
ON and OFF
The word means " to say something in a quiet, angry way" ?
Synonym for "pick and choose'' ?
make a choice
Put in a right order to make a word/ phrase : FONDANOF .
on and off
Missing letters " _ud_e
Make a sentence with "Grab"
eg : The girl grabbed hurriedly at her cat because it nearly fell into the pond.
Make a sentence with "Nudge"
eg : He nudge his cat off the sofa so that he could sit down
Make a sentence with "Drag"
suggestion: "I have to drag my baby sister away from the toys"
Our small company has been growing --------------- over the past year, thanks in no small part to our aggressive new marketing campaign.
in leaps and bounds
I try cook plain rice gruel ------------, but I still fail
over and over again
I was all gung-ho about this graduate program when I first began, but I must admit that I've grown-------------of these boring lectures.
sick and tired
Being recognized in the street is ------------- of being a celebrity.
part and parcel
They are grateful for -------------opportunity they've been given
each and every
Susan decided to study for the test through the night. She knew her grade on this test would ----------------------her chances of getting admitted to the school.
make or break