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Plant Life Cycle

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This part of the life cycle means the plant is now beginning to grow
This helps plants grow. It comes from the Sun.
Plants need this to grow. It gives them nutrients
This helps plants grow and is absorbed by the roots
This stage of the life cycle produces flowers
Mature plant
This stage of the life cycle comes after seedling
Young plant
What direction do the roots of a plant grow?
This happens when a seed gets the right amount of light, water, and warmth
This is a baby plant and contains nutrients necessary to start the life of a new plant
Are all seeds the same?
This happens when the conditions are right for a seed to grow
What is the outer layer of a seed called?
Seed coad
This plant is small and thin and usually has only a few leaves.
We watched a video about what plants need to grow. Can plants still grow without soil?
What do plants need to grow?
Air, water, sunlight, soil, and space
What is the last stage of a plant's life cycle?
Mature plant