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Phrasal Verbs (Dating)

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I gave him my phone number, but I didn't expect for him to __________________ quickly! I just gave him my number two hours ago.
hit me up
If you are with somebody for a long time in a relationship it can be really hard to __________________ after breaking up.
move on
It's clear this girl isn't interested in me. I should stop __________________ her.
going after
I had a first date tonight but the guy didn't show up. He didn't even let me know or send me a message. I can't believe he completely __________________ .
stood me up
I hate it when I have a date with somebody and they always __________________ late. It drives me crazy.
show up
After breaking up with his girlfriend, he's been trying to __________________ some new girls.
pick up
The couple in the front row of the cinema won't stop kissing. I they've been __________________ each other since the movie started.
making out with
My sister is single and looking for a partner. I'm trying to __________________ my best friend who is also single and looking. I think they'd make a good match.
set her up with
Unfortunately our relationship isn't going so well. I feel like it's __________________ .
falling apart
You can try asking her out, but she already has a boyfriend. I think she will __________________ because of this.
turn you down
She was very upset when she found out that her boyfriend ________________ her
cheated on
Me and my girlfriend generally _________________ each other but sometimes we can have a big argument.
get along with
If you are interested in her, you should _______________ on a date!
ask her out
She is the most beautiful girl in school. You can always see boys _________________ her.
hitting on
It doesn't look like things are working out between us. I think she is going to ________________ me.
break up with