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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the health benefits of Sawm
What are the social benefits of Sawm?
What are the spiritual benefits of sawm?
Good !
What does piety mean in arabic?
What does sawm mean?
to abstain from eating, drinking, and all things that nullifies the fast.
When was Sawm obligated on Muslims?
Monday, second of Shaabaan in the second year after hijra
What is the fourth pillar of islam?
Who was the assassinator of Ali RA
Ibn Muljam
Who did Ali RA marry?
Fathima ( the daughter of the prophet)
How did Ali RA accept islam?
True & False : Ali RA was born 6 years before the first revelation.
False, He was born 10 years before revelation.
True or False: Ali RA was the prophets 2nd cousin.
False, he was the 1st cousin.
what was Ali RA's family lineage?
Ali ibn Abee Talib, ibn Abdul Muttalib, ibn Hashim, ibn Qusayy, ibn Kilaab, ibn Murrah, ibn Ka'b, ibn Lu'ayy, ibn Ghalib, ibn Fihr ( Quraysh)
What 2 nicknames did Ali RA had?
Aboo Al-Hassan and Aboo Turaab
What was Ali RA's full name?
Ali Ibn Abee Talib