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Respiratory Unit Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What germ causes the common cold?
There are 2 main categories for inhalers. What is the purpose of each?
-Short term, instant relief -Long term, preventative care
What are TWO triggers for asthma?
-Tobacco -Smoke -Pollen -Dust -Cold air -Fragrance -Exercise -Stress
When an asthma attack occurs, what happens to the bronchioles?
-Swollen -Red -Tighten
What is 1 condition that may be treated by a pulmonologist?
-Asthma -COPD -Lung Nodules
What should you do if a choking person becomes unconscious?
Lower them to the ground, protecting the head
What is one way you can protect your respiratory system?
-Ensure smoke/CO alarms work -Stay away from second hand smoke -Wear masks around pollutants -Be aware of ozone alerts
What is the field specialty name for someone who treats the throat?
What is the field specialty name for someone who treats the nose?
What is the field specialty name for someone who treats ears?
List 1 issue that an ENT may treat
-Thyroid -Cancer -Hearing loss -Ear infection -Tonsil infections -Voicebox issues
What 2 muscle groups work together together to get rid of a sneeze?
Abdominal and chest
What is the purpose of alveoli?
Lungs and the blood exchange oxygen and CO2
How many germs can 1 sneeze spread?
How fast can a sneeze travel?
100 MPH
Name TWO purposes of the respiratory system
-Receive oxygen -release CO2 -taste/smell -filter air and release foreign objects
For what duration can your body go without intaking oxygen (minutes)?
5-10 minutes
What are the major organs of the respiratory system?
What smaller tubes branch off of the bronchi?
What is the other term for trachea?
The nasal passages are lined with hairlike structures called cilia. What is the main function of these cilia?
Help remove trapped particles like dust and bacteria