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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I was meeting these chaps who were mostly around my own age.
I was meeting these chaps who were mostly more or less my own age.
I am fed up of people telling me how to run my life.
I’m sick and tired of people telling me how to run my life.
I love the noise and the activity of big cities.
I love the hustle and bustle of big cities.
I weigh sixty-five kilos, sixty-six...
I weigh sixty-five kilos, give or take.
His reply was clear and direct: ‘Get out!’ he shouted.
His reply was short and sweet: ‘Get out!’ he shouted.
I took most of the big things to the new house, but there are a few things left to pick up.
I took most of the big things to the new house, but there are a few odds and ends left to pick up.
We had to go many times to the house before we moved all our furniture.
We had to go back and forth to the house before we moved all our furniture.
On the whole, the teacher explained the new topic well.
By and large, the teacher explained the new topic well.
I can hear Lisa's voice without problems.
I can hear Lisa's voice loud and clear.
We should hear all the positive and negative aspects of the matter before we make a decision.
We should hear all the pros and cons of the matter before we make a decision.