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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He is outside the house. What's the question?
Where is Pingu?
Where are Mommy, Daddy, and Pinga?
They are inside the house OR They are inside the shaking house.
Why do Mommy, Daddy and Pinga like a new doorbell?
They like it because it is quiet.
How Mommy, Daddy and Pinga feel about a new quiet doorbell?
They like it.
What is a new doorbell like?
It is very loud.
Dady says, 'Stop the noise, Pingu! No more loud doorbell!' What's the question?
What does Daddy say to Pingu?
Why is the house shaking?
It's shaking because a new doorbell is very loud.
Where does Pingu put a new doorbell?
He puts the new doorbell on the door OR beside the door.
The new doorbell is beside the door OR on the door. What's the question?
Where is a new doorbell?
Pingu pushes the new doorbell again and again. What's the question?
What does Pingu do?
How Mommy, Daddy and Pinga feel about a loud doorbell?
They don't like it.
Pingu buys a loud doorbell. What's the question?
What does Pingu do? OR What does Pingu buy?
3 coins for the new doorbell. What's the question?
How much is new doorbell?
How does Pingu feel about a new doorbell? Why?
He likes it because it is loud.
Does Pingu like a loud doorbell?
Yes, he does.
How did Pingu get to the doorbell store?
He came on his sled. OR He rode his sled to the store.
Where is Pingu?
He is in the doorbell store.
Who broke the old doorbell?
Pingu and Pingo broke it.
How did the doorbell break?
The ball hit the doorbell.
Where does the broken doorbell go?
It goes in the trashcan.
Can Pingu fix the doorbell?
No, it's broken.
How is Pingu? Why?
He is sad because the doorbell is broken.