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90's Baby!!!

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How old was Tiger Woods when he won his first Master’s?
What stuffed animal fad debuted in 1993?
Beanie Babies
What classic Audrey Hepburn film was the title of a 1995 one-hit wonder?
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Michael Jordan led the Chicago Bulls to how many championships?
When was the World Wide Web first introduced?
What band is featured on Beavis’ shirt?
When did Major League Soccer kick off in the U.S.?
What was the bestselling video game console of the 1990s?
Sony Playstation
What is considered the first reality TV show?
The Real World
How old was Notorious B.I.G. when he was murdered?
What was the first rap song to hit No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100?
“Ice Ice Baby”
What video game was the first ever to be played in space?
Power Rangers was banned in what country until 2011?
New Zealand
What fashion accessory was invented by a high school shop teacher?
Slap bracelets
What was the peak Billboard chart position of The Rembrandts’
“I’ll Be There for You?”
Macaulay Culkin was paid $1 million—the first child star ever to do so—for what film?
My Girl
The “Dream Team” won Olympic gold in what year’s games?
What was the first animated feature film to nominated for a Best Picture Oscar?
Disney’s Beauty and the Beast
Who was Russia’s first elected president?
Boris Yeltsin
What’s the name of the group responsible for “Macarena?”
Los Del Rio
What was the name of the first successfully cloned sheep?
In what year did the O.J. Simpson trial reach a verdict?
What was the name of Ross's pet monkey in the sitcom "Friends?"
Whitney Houston’s powerful rendition of "I Will Always Love You" topped the charts in 1992 after it was featured in which film?
The Bodyguard
This handheld digital "pet" was one of the most popular toy fads of the late '90s.
What is the name of Will's wealthy uncle in "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?"
Uncle Phil
Which beloved 1997 romance movie was directed by James Cameron?
The Spice Girls was an iconic pop group made up of how many singers?
What’s the infamous haircut inspired by a “Must See TV” sitcom?
The “Rachel”