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First class

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is your favourite sport? Do you like doing it or watching it?
Student's anwser
Do you do any sports?
Student's anwser
Do you like eating out? What is your favourite restaurant?
Student's anwser
Can you ride a bike? If yes, how old were you when you learnt how to ride it?
Student's anwser
Do you watch any TV series? What is your favourite?
Student's anwser
Can you swim? If yes, do you like swimming?
Student's anwser
Where did you go on your last holiday?
Student's anwser
What is your dream Christmas present?
Student's anwser
What is your hobby?
Student's anwser
Say the alphabet
a b c
Do you watch TV? What is your favourite programme or TV series?
Student's anwser
Do you like cooking? If yes, what is your signature dish?
Student's anwser
What is your favourite food?
Student's anwser
Count to 20 Policz do 20
1 2 3 ;)
Do you like reading? Who is your favourite author?
Student's anwser
Do you like reading? What is the last book you have read?
Student's anwser
Do you have a favourite song? If yes, what song is it?
Student's anwser
What is your favourite type of music?
Student's anwser
Name 5 vegetables. Wymień 5 warzyw
any 5 vegetables
Name 8 animals Wymień 8 zwierząt
a cat, a dog, a fish, a mouse, a bear, a tiger, a lion, a parrot, a bird, a giraffe, a cow, a horse, a chicken, a crocodile, etc
Who is your favourite actor?
student's anwser
What is your favourite film?
name of the film
Name 5 fruit Wymień 5 owoców
an apple. a banana, a pear, a watermelon, a lemon, a melon, an orange, a strawberry, a kiwi, etc
Name 5 colours. Wymień 5 kolorów
red, blue, yellow, black, white, green, pink, brown, purple, violet