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The Elements of the Periodic Table

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did Thomson's atomic model look like?
the raisin or blueberry muffin model -- mostly positive with dots of negatives
What did Dalton's atomic model look like?
a billiard ball - round and smooth
____ was the scientist who developed the periodic table.
Dmitri Mendeleev
Which radioactive particle causes a change in atomic mass?
alpha particle
Which radioactive particle is no charge?
gamma particle
Which radioactive particle is a negative charge?
beta particle
Which radioactive particle releases an electron?
beta particle
Which type of radioactive particle resembles a Helium atom?
alpha particle
Which is the MOST penetrating radioactive particle?
Which is the LEAST penetrating radioactive particle?
What type of radioactivity releases protons?
When an element can be a conductor one minute and an insulator the next, it is called a ____.
____ is the most commonly found metalloid on Earth.
Which family has characteristics of both metals and nonmetals?
Why is Hydrogen a "weird" nonmetal off by itself with the metals?
It has 1 valence electron like the Alkali metals
The ____ group of nonmetals are harmful to humans when not found in compounds.
The Halogens. For example, Chlorine
___ is the group of elements beside the Noble Gases.
The Halogens
The Noble Gases have ___ valence electrons.
True or False: Most nonmetals are good conductors.
False. Most do NOT conduct heat or electricity.
True or False: Most of the nonmetals are solid at room temperature.
False. Most are gases.
Where are the nonmetals located on the periodic table?
on the right side
Why do we use metals to make our pots and pans?
metals conduct heat
The ability to be made into wire is called ____.
Which group has only 2 valence electrons?
Alkaline earth metals
Which two groups of elements are located UNDER the rest of the table?
actinides and lanthanides
Which side of the periodic table has LESS reactive elements?
right side
An element's reactivity has to do with which subatomic particle?
True or False: Alkali metals are not found uncombined in nature.