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A student uses a penny and an iron nail to test how well a mineral can resist scratching. What property is being tested?
A mineral has a volume of 120mL and a mass of 360g, what is its density?
The density test is a test that could be used to find the identity of a mineral. A mineral has a density of 0.64 g/mL, will it sink or float?
The density test is a test that could be used to find the identity of a mineral. A mineral has a density of 2.1g/mL, will it sink or float?
The density test is a test that could be used to find the identity of a mineral. What is the formula for density?
D= m/v or D=Mass/Volume
The color of the powder left behind when you rub the mineral against a tile.
What is the name of the scale used to determine a mineral's hardness?
Moh's Hardness Scale
Name two types of Luster
Possible Answers: Shiny, Dull, Metallic, Non-Metallic, Pearly, Glassy
The way a mineral's surface reflects light
A naturally occurring, non-living solid that has a specific chemical make-up and a repeating structure