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FUTURE SIMPLE - affirmative and negative - FF4  ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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..................... ................. ............... ................... than supersonic planes. (Rakety nebudú lacnejšie než nadzvukové lietadlá.)
Rockets won´t be (= will not be) cheaper ...
......................... ................. ................. more .................... than superfast supersonic planes. (Rakety budú drahšie než...)
Rockets will be more expensive than.....
They .................. ................. ............. aeroplanes. (Nebudú cestovať lietadlami.)
won´t travel = will not travel / BY aeroplanes
Astronauts ................. .................... ........... spaceship. (Kozmonauti budú cestovať kozmickou loďou.)
will travel by
People ................ ................... cute little robots to Mars. (budú posielať)
will send
People ................ .................... to Mars. (nebudú chodiť)
won´t go = will not go
People ................. .................... to the Moon ............. .................... . (Ľudia budú chodiť na Mesiac na dovolenku.)
will go / on holiday
Astronauts ................ .................... normal ................ . (nebudú nosiť normálne oblečenie)
won´t wear = will not wear normal clothes
Astronauts ............... .................. special .................... . (budú nosiť špeciálne oblečenie)
will wear special clothes
Astronauts .................... ..................... normal food. (nebudú jesť)
won´t eat = will not eat
Astronauts ................ .................. special food. (budú jesť)
will eat
They .................. ....................... to the Sun - it is too ................ and too ...............! (Nebudú cestovať na Slnko - je príliš horúce a príliš ďaleko.).)
won´t travel = will not travel / too hot and too far
........................ ................... ................... to the Moon. (Kozmonauti budú cestovať na Mesiac.)
Astronauts will travel to the Moon.
We .................. ................ all the planets. (Neuvidíme všetky planéty)
won´t see = will not see
We .............. ................... ............. ............... ! (Uvidíme Mesiac!)
will see the moon
But I ........................ ....................... my school. (Ale nebude mi chýbať škola.)
won´t miss = will not miss
I ............... ................. my parents and friends. (Budú mi chýbať rodičia a kamoši)
I will miss
We ................. ..................... there ............... two months. (Zostaneme tam na dva mesiace)
We will stay there FOR two months.
.................... .................. ...................... brightly around us. (Hviezdy budú žiariť jasne okolo nás)
Stars will shine
...................... ............... .................. beautiful !!! (Hviezdy budú nádherné!)
Stars will be
The space .............. ............... .................. and endless. (bude tmavý a nekonečný)
will be dark
I will ................................. in .......................... . (budem cestovať kozmickou loďou)
I will travel in spaceship.
Maybe one day, I ........... ............. ........... ........... . (budem cestovať do vesmíru)
I will travel to space