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BE6 review quiz Units 7+8

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tom and Alexis said, "we´re getting married in May." ANNOUNCED = Tom and Alexis_____________in May.
Tom and Alexis ANNOUNCED that they were getting married in May.
"Don´t drink if you´re driving" the police officer said to the motorist. WARNED = The police officer _______ if he was driving.
The police officer WARNED the motorist not to drink if he was driving.
"let´s meet tomorrow" said Svetlana. SUGGESTED = Svetlana ......................day.
Svetlana SUGGESTED meeting the following day / suggested (that) we (should) meet
Simon said, "have you ever thought of starting your own business", ASKED = Simon ....................... ever thought of starting my own business.
Simon ASKED (me) if/whether I´d/I had ever thought about starting my own business.
"I think you should apply for this job", Alexei said to me. ADVISED = Alexei .....................................job.
Alexei ADVISED me to apply for that job.
Maria said, "I´ll never do that again." PROMISED = Maria ................do that again
Maria PROMISED never to do that again.
Someone who used to work in politics = ex................................(n)
Have doubts about someone´s honesty = mis...................(v)
The act of claming something back = re________(n)
Have an opinion before knowing all the facts = pre......(v)
Make unstable = De....... (v)
It´s amazing how much people ______ on birthday presents for their boyfriends and girlfriends.
Those jeans ______ a fortune, but really it´s the label you´re _____ for.
We´ve _______ a jazz band to come and play on Saturday.
My brother works in a fast-food restaurant. He only _____ $120 a week.
I´ll be working in Prague for two years: Hopefully we´ll ____ a flat near the city centre.
I´d love to own a sports car but I can´t ________ one.