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Final-Term Review Summary

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What tool do you usually use to measure temperature?
What will you use to take hot food?
Tong or saucer (capitan atau piring cawan)
What is the function of the other source of light below?
To guide ships in the dark and warn ships of danger
What will probably happen if our skin gets too much light?
Why does the plant need light energy from the Sun?
To live, grow, and make food
What are artificial resources of light?
Lamp, chandelier, wall lamp, street light, light house and etc
What are the natural resources of light?
Sun, Star, and moon
If we push the spring with our hand, what force will probably happen?
A force will against or pull away
How does the force change the movement of this object?
Change the direction
How does the fireman use water?
To put out the fires
What is the source of water below?
How do you recognize if the air exist?
the clothes is blown by wind, grass moves side to side when the air blow and etc
Is it temporary or permanent change?
"This thing changes in size and shape, but it doesn't make new substance". Thus, What is the changing of a thing called?
Physical change
It is a thing,it needs wind. It used for irigating field, electricity.
What does the sailboat need to work?
What is the name this balance?
Dachin balance
What is the name of thing to measure mass?
lever balance
What will happen if the place get more sunlight? (air)
The air/ temperature is warmer
Why do the charcoal need air?
for burning
What is wind?
Wind is moving air
Why do living things need air?
Stay alive and make food
What is the name of state particle above?
Gas Particle
What are objects made from solid state?
Pebble/ball/car/ruler and etc
How to return the ping-pong ball to its original form?
Place the ping-pong ball in hot water
Why do the bricks have gaps between them?
prevent the bricks from being pushed out of place and cracking.
What are types of change material? (There are two types)
Permanent and temporary changes
why do metal railway tracks have gaps?
to prevent the tracks from bending out of shape when the metal becomes too hot/ prevents accidents caused by derailed trains.
It is an object. it is made from rubber. it used for swimming.
swimming tube
It is an object. It is made from plastic. it used to bring groceries
Plastic bag
Look at the picture. What is an object made from?
What is an object made from?