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M1 - Settlements

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A dispersed pattern is where: A. Lots of farms and only a few houses B. Houses are built along the roads in lines C. Lots of houses built close together D. Only land but no houses
A nucleated pattern is where the houses are built in lines along the roads - T/F
A village MUST have a school T/F
F - it may have a school but is not compulsory
A hamlet does not have a church T/F
A town does not have a school - True/False
What is a settlement ?
Where we live
The type of settlement where there are lots of buildings and people is called - A. Rural B. Urban
Rural is the type of settlement where there are lots of farms and only a few houses - True or False
Which one of the following is not a settlement pattern A. Isolated B. Nucleated C. Physical D. Linear
C. Physical
The correct order of the settlements in terms of size is: A. Hamlet-> Town -> Village -> City B. Village -> Hamlet -> Town -> City C. Hamlet -> Village -> Town -> City D. Hamlet -> City -> Town -> Village
C. Hamlet -> Village -> Town -> City
Which of these is correct: A. A hamlet is bigger than a village B. The town is bigger than a city C. The city is bigger than a town D. The village is bigger than a town
A town has this but a village does not: A. houses B. schools C. factories D. shops
A village may not have this: A. Place to pray B. Shops C. School D. Bank
D. Bank
Hamlet is the smallest type of settlement - True/False
The following best describes a settlement: A. Where people work B. Where people live C. Where people study D. Where people pray
A settlement is NOT: A. A town B. A country C. A school D. Village
C. School