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Mrs. Boyack planted a garden. She sold 8 corn stalks to Nya and Maddy. She had 6 corn stalks left. How many did she have in her garden at first?
14 corn stalks
Bentley, Parx, and Kade planted a garden with 20 egg plants. They ate some of the egg plants. Now they have 10 left. How many did they eat?
10 egg plants
Mrs. Boyack loved ALL vegetables. She gave Finland 4 carrots. She gave Malachi 7 onions. She gave Ady 6 tomatoes. How many veggies did she give away?
17 veggies
Caleb gave some radishes to Parx. Now Caleb has 5 radishes. Caleb had 15 radishes to begin with until Parx ate them. How many did Parx eat?
10 radishes
Finlee had 11 heads of broccoli. She gave some broccoli away. Now she has 4 heads of broccoli. How many heads of broccoli did she give away?
7 heads of broccoli
Phoenix ate 6 turnips. Ethan ate 9 egg plants. How many veggies did they eat all together?
15 veggies
Xander had 5 carrots. Kade had 5 onions. Finland had 2 tomatoes. How many veggies did they have all together?
12 veggies
Sadie had 3 peppers. Averie had 3 peppers and Emmerson had 7 peppers. How many peppers did they have all together?
13 peppers
Lexi had 16 carrots. She gave 8 carrots to Hazel. How many carrots did Lexi have left?
8 carrots
Greyson and Anthony ate 9 onions. They still had 3 onions left in their garden. How many onion plants did they plant originally?
12 onion plants
Nya, Madelyn, and Olivia had lettuce growing in their garden. They made a green salad with 6 lettuce plants. Now there are 4 heads of lettuce left in the garden. How many lettuce plants did they start with in the garden?
10 heads of lettuce
Bentley and Trinity had 17 tomato plants in their garden. They made salsa with 9 tomatoes. How many tomatoes were left in the garden?
8 tomato plants
Parley, Ady, and Evie planted 7 tomato plants. They planted some cucumber plants too. Now they have 13 plants in their garden. How many cucumber plants did they plant?
6 cucumber plants