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Pre-Civil War

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Who was Jefferson Davis?
The President of the Confederate States of America
What was the Confederacy?
The Confederate States of America were formed in 1861 by the Southern states that seceeded
What was Harper's Ferry?
The location of a federal arsenal that John Brown raided to get guns to arm slaves
Who was Dred Scott?
A slave who was briefly taken by his owner into free territory
What is nativism?
Nativism favors native-born people over immigrants
Who was Horace Greeley?
A newspaper editor who strongly supported the newly-fprmed Republican Party
Who was John Brown?
A fierce opponent of slavery who led a raid on a federal arsenal
What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
A law that split Nebraska into the territories of Nebraska and Kansas through popular sovereignty
What was the Fugitive Slave Act?
A law that provided for harsh treatment for escaped slaves and those who helped them
What states were included in the Confederacy?
Texas, Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North & South Carolina, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi & Virginia
What were the major points of the Dred Scott case?
The Court ruled that slaves did not have rights & the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional
What was the reason that Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas debated?
They debated over whether the territories should be slave or non-slave states
What famous American helped found the Republican Party?
Horace Greeley
What was the platform of the Know-Nothing Party?
anti-immigration and anti-Catholic
Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin?
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Who was a primary active member of the Underground Railroad?
Harriet Tubman
Who developed the Compromise of 1850?
Henry Clay shaped it and got Daniel Webster's support
What is secession?
A formal withdrawal of a state from the Union
Did the North or South promote the Wilmot Proviso and why?
The North promoted it because they wanted California, New Mexico & Utah closed to slavery