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Three Part Multi Word Verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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To be consistent or agree with, to be similar to other idea: "His story match to the facts as we know them"
Tie in with
to listen to a conversation without joining it "The other passengers' faces showed they were overhearing our conversation"
Listen in on
To receive criticism or blame: "He's going to receive a lot of criticism".
Come in for
To be the deciding factor: "At the end of the day, it's money what it matters"
Come down to
to act as a preliminary or introduction to, come before something "These incidents brought the death of many demonstrators as a consequence"
Lead up to
to act as a substitute "I occupied his role in the firm while he was away"
Fill in for
to attempt to impress in order to gain the favor of "He's always making what the boss wants"
Play up to
Compensate : "She compensated for being rude to me yesterday by inviting me out for coffee.
Make up for
Delay something, wait to do do something. "Please wait until after I've gone to start playing the drums!"
Hold off on
have health, energy for "I'm so tired that I don't even want to go to the party anymore"
Feel up to
Resort, rely on "Whenever I am in trouble, I know that I can always rely on on my friends and family"
fall back on
compensate for time lost "We need to compensate for the time we have not seen each other and talk about our wedding!"
catch up on
Reduce the amount of something "I need to reduce the amount of cigarettes I smoke. I smoke far too much"
cut down on
Do something you promised to do "I am going to fire him. I said that I would do it and I am doing it tomorrow"
go through with
Become ill "I think I have got flue"
Come down with
Think that you are better than someone else "Mr Smith thinks he is superior to everyone else. He is always despising others"
Look down on
Move as fast as someone else "You need to be as fast as as in the race or you will not reach the end"
Keep up with
Be ready for something that might cause you harm "Be careful of pickpockets. They always operate in that area"
watch out for
Make a short visit to someone "I'll pay a quick visit to Mary on my way home"
look in on
Tolerate or endure "I won't tolerate this behaviour in the school"
Put up with
Speak or act in support of. "In case of bullying you need to defend your brother"
Stand up for
Escape blame, punishment, or undesirable consequences for (an act that is wrong or mistaken): "She was not charged by the crime. She always _____ _______ _______ everything wrong she does!
Get away with
Suceed in reaching some level of learning that you did not have before: "I am finally up to date with History. I wasn't able to study for months"
Catch up with