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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Martha has work to do so she can't go to the museum.
Having work to do, Martha can't go to the museum.
Mark didn't go to the party because he was in a bad mood.
Being in a bad mood, Mark didn't go to the party.
Because Martha didn't study, she failed the Math exam.
Not having studied, Martha failed the Math exam.
As I haven't received any messages, I am sad.
Not having received any messages, I am sad.
Valerie has homework to do, so she can't come to the play.
Having work to do, Valerie can't come to the play.
Victoria went home because she felt ill.
Feeling ill, Victoria went home.
As Jacob had been to Vic before, he found a good restaurant.
been to Vic before, Jacob found a good restaurant.
Victoria was impressed by Rafael's work, so she gave him an A.
Impressed by Rafael's work, Victoria gave him an A.
The mobile phone, which was lost 2 weeks ago, was found.
The mobile phone, having been lost two weeks ago, was found.
Because I didn't want to lose my wallet, I gave it to my mother.
Not wanting to lose my wallet, I gave it to my mother.