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________________ will cause the leaves to wilt. A E I R V G N
Holding boxes for salad should have high ___________. I I Y T U D H M D
It is essential ingredient in mayonnaise and other emulsifier dressings. G E G K Y L O
In a tossed green salad, shredded carrot, and red cabbage can be added to leaf lettuce, create colorful tossed green salads by mixing ingredients. What factor in salad presentation is considered? O O L C R
In a plated salad could present mild butter head lettuce with grapefruit sections and red onion rings. What factor in salad presentation is considered? O L A V R F
The uniform mixture of two unmixable liquids, oil and vinegar. L E S M O I U S N
These are liquid or semi liquids used to flavor salads. N I D E R S G S S
It is thermally insulated compartment used to store food at a temperature below the ambient temperature of the room. T R O R R E F I E G A R
Are devices or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function. L S O T O
It is a kitchen tool consisting of a slotted metal blade attached to a handle, that is used to remove the outer skin or peel of certain vegetables. E E E R L P
It is a kitchen utensil used to grate foods into fine pieces. E A T G R R
It refers to the layer of ingredients placed on the plate to define salad and to provide color in contrast with the body. S A E B
It comprises of the main ingredients of the salad and considers as the focal point of the presentation. O B Y D
A decorative item that adds eye appeal to the finished product, and it stimulates the diner’s appetite. R N S A H I G
It means setting everything in place and organizing all the materials and ingredients before preparing foods. E I S M N E L A E P C
What is a combination of vegetables, fruits, and other ingredients accompanied with a dressing? D A L S A
What salad stimulates the appetite without giving a feeling of fullness and served before the main course of the meal? E T N C O M C A A P N I M