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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Piseth has never flown. He is flying next week. By the end of next week, he _________ ___________ _____________ (fly).
By the end of next week, he will have flown.
Piseth has never flown. He is flying next week. Will this be a new experience?
The Khmer have seem a rising economy this year. Are the Khmer making more money?
Emily hasn't finished her work yet. Can she go out?
I can't go out tonight. My motorbike has break down. Correct or Incorrect
Incorrect: My motorbike has broken down.
Someone's in the house! They must've broken in. Correct or incorrect?
I have eaten all the burgers. What are the possible meanings? a. I am full. b. I feel sick. c. All. d. We need to buy some more.
c. All
I have eaten means?
I am not hungry.
It has been raining / has rained all morning. Which is correct?
It has been raining all morning. Because we can see the result.
They have _________ out all day and they are not back yet.
I need someone to translate my English into Khmer. You can help because - You _______ ________ ________ English for ten years
You have been studying English for ten years.
There are no chocolates left. Why?
Someone has eaten them.
You look really tired. What have you been doing?
I have been working / running / sleeping badly / revising, etc.
I have been spending a lot of money. How much money does this person have left to spend?
Nobody knows.
You're so wet. Why?
I has been raining.
You look wet. Has it been _________?
They have finished the food.
Can you eat?