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Uncle Jack and the meerkats

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mr Smith looked in the ............
Uncle Jack looked in the ..........
May looked in the ..........
Where did Daisy look?
Daisy looked in the cafe.
Where did Jim look?
Jim looked in the bus station.
Did meerkats stop crying?
Yes, they did.
Grumpy barked ..........
How was Grumpy?
Grumpy was very grumpy.
Who recorded the meerkats' crying?
Uncle Jack
Did they know how to find the meerkats' family?
No, they didn't know how to find the meerkats' family.
They decided to find their family in ...................
Kalahari Desert.
What did Uncle Jack and the others decide to do?
They decided to buy the meerkats.
What were the meerkats doing when they found them?
They were looking at the other meerkats and crying.
Where did they find the meerkats?
They found the meerkats outside the pet shop.