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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A man says I can guess the score of a football game before it starts he gives a guess and he is right. How?
The score is always 0-0 before the game starts.
At a children's party, 10 kids had juice, 8 kids had cake, and 6 kids had juice and cake. How many kids were there at the party?
Tweleve kids. Six kids had juice and cake, leaving two out of the cake eaters that didn't have juice. As there were ten juicers, there must be twelve kids in to
With no wings, I fly. With no eyes, I see. With no arms, I climb. More frightening than any beast, stronger than any foe. I am cunning, ruthless, and tall; in the end, I rule all. What am I?
When people cut me, I do not bleed. They use me, but then they leave. I die, but then revive. I change my appearance as time goes by. What am I?
a tree