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Name 3 in 10 (Edited Version)

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 people from Shevet Levi.
Amram Moshe Kehos
Name 3 foods that are בּורא פּרי האדמה
Potato Watermelon Strawberry
Name 3 kosher animals
Cow Chicken Duck 
Name Three Rivers in the Torah
Yam Suf, Nile, Yarden 
Name 3 Kings in Chumash 
Pharaoh Avimelech Malkitzedek
Name 3 Mitzvos that must be done at night 
Eating Matzah, Saying Shema, Davening Mariv 
Name 3 Mitzvos that start with the letter מ
מילה מזוזה מעקה מצה מרור
Name 3 loud sounds.
Car horn Tuba Cymbals
Name 3 different kinds of candy.
Lollipop Chewing Gum Fruit Roll Up 
Name 3 cleaning tools.
Mop Broom Duster
Name 3 ice cream flavors.
Strawberry Chocolate Mint
Name 3 things you can write with.
Pen Pencil Marker
Name 3 words that rhyme with pan.
Fan Man Ran
Name 3 Jobs.
Chef Teacher Doctor
Name 3 times in the Torah that someone gave a gift 
Yaakov to Eisav, The Brothers to Yosef, Avraham to the sons of the פּילַגְשִׁים
Name 3 times in the Torah someone became drunk
Lot and his daughters, Noach after the Mabul, Yosef and the brothers 
Name 3 people in the Torah who were put in jail
Yosef, Shimon, The Chief Baker, The Chief Bartender, The מקלל
Name 3 people in the Torah who had dreams
Yaakov, Pharaoh, Yosef
Name 3 people who were kidnapped in the Torah 
Sarah, Lot, Dinah 
Name 3 sets of brothers in the Torah 
Moshe & Aharon, Nadav & Avihu, Yaakov & Eisav