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Fairly Oddparents & Random

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What year will it be next year?
3 things, 1 animal..."Sand, Hard, Pinch"
3 things, 1 animal..."Ocean, Sharp teeth, Scary"
True or False: The Fairly Oddparents has been made into movies as well.
Who is obsessed with trying to find Timmy's Fairly Godparents?
His teacher, Mr. Crocker
How long has Fairly Oddparents been on TV? Since 1998, or 2008?
What is the theme of the newsletter this month?
St. Patrick's Day/All Green
What are Timmy's fairly oddparents named?
Cosmo and Wanda
Name the movie from these emoji clues..
Name the movie from these emoji clues..
Lion King!
Name the movie from these emoji clues..
Why can't Timmy tell anyone about Cosmo and Wanda?
They will go away forever!
True or False: Vicky is the nicest babysitter ever and takes awesome care of Timmy.
False!! She is SO mean.
3 things, 1 animal..."Hop, green, water"
3 things, 1 animal..."Farms, grass, milk"
What is the name of this character?
Timmy Turner
What is the name of Cosmo and Wanda's baby?
What network is Fairly Oddparents shown on?