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March 2021 Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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On what date is Saint Patrick's Day?
March 17
On what date was President's Day this year?
February 15
Which of the following number is NOT an odd number? A) 33 B) 44 C) 55 D) 77
B) 44
Which of these animal holds a grudge? A) Hawk B) Snake C) Crow D) Raccoon
C) Crow
The mockingbird is a state bird for which US State? A) Alaska B) California C) Texas
C) Texas
The quail is a state bird for which US State? A) Alaska B) California C) Texas
B) California
Which is the appropriate measurement to measure a pencil? A) Inches B) Feet C) Yards
A) Inches
Which is a following sign of stress? A) Eating well B) Sleeping early C) Feeling Nervous D) Feeling Hungry
C) Feeling Nervous
Teenagers should get how many hours of sleep? A) 6-7 hours B) 7-8 hours C) 8-9 hours D) 10-11 hours
C) 8-9 hours
What attaches bone to bone? A) Ligaments B) Tendons C) Muscles
A) Ligaments
How long does food stay in the stomach for? A) 1 hour B) 2 hours C) 3 hours D) 4 hours
D) 4 hours
The willow ptarmigan is a state bird of which US state? A) Alaska B) California C) Texas
A) Alaska
Which US State is nicknamed the Last Frontier? A) Alaska B) California C) Texas
A) Alaska
Which US State is nicknamed the Golden State? A) Alaska B) California C) Texas
B) California
Which US State is nicknamed the Lone Star State? A) Alaska B) California C) Texas
C) Texas
How many bones does an average adult have? A) 196 B) 206 C) 216 D) 306
B) 206
What is the largest organ in your body? A) Bones B) Skin C) Stomach D) Heart
B) Skin
What happens to your heart when you exercise? A) It beats faster B) It beats slower C) Nothing changes D) It stops
A) It beats faster
When is Daylight Saving Time? A) March 7 B) March 14 C) March 21 D) March 28
B) March 14
The answer for 3 + 7 will give you an: A) Even answer B) Odd answer
A) Even answer
What is the appropriate measurement to measure the height of a giraffe? A) Inches B) Yards
B) Yards