Edit Game
Chapter 4

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This squirrel is:
adorable / cute / fluffy
In a population, about 40% of people have brown eyes, 35% have blue, 12% have green, 7% have gray, and 6% have hazel. If two are selected, find the probability that at least one has brown eyes.
35% of the population has blue eyes. If four different people are randomly selected, what is the probability that they all have blue eyes?
35% of the population has blue eyes. If someone is randomly selected, what is the probability that he or she does not have blue eyes?
If 2 different study subjects are randomly selected, find the probability that they both entered pleas of not guilty.
A compound event is ___________.
...Any event combining two or more simple events.
What is the probability of an event that is certain?
Probability = 1
What does it mean if the probability of an event is equal to 0?
The event is impossible
The sum of the probabilities of all possible events must ________.
Equal 1
If an event has a 65.7% chance of occurring, what is the probability that the event will not occur?
34.3% or 0.343
If 1 of the subjects is randomly selected, find the probability of selecting someone who entered a plea of not guilty or was not sentenced to prison.
If 1 of the subjects is randomly selected, find the probability of selecting someone who was sentenced to prison or entered a plea of guilty.
If 1 of the 1028 subjects is randomly selected, find the probability of selecting someone sentenced to prision.
Find the probability of randomly selecting 1 of the 839 challenges and getting a challenge that was accepted and was made by a female player.
126 / 839 or 0.150
If 1 of the 839 challenges is randomly selected, find the probability of getting a challenge that was made by a male player or was rejected.
713 / 839 or 0.850
If 1 of the 839 challenges is randomly selected, find the probability of getting a challenge that was rejected.
512 / 839 or 0.610