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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the name of Andy's neighbor in the movie Toy Story?
What are the names of the seven dwarfs in Snow White?
Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy, and Dopey.
What does Hakuna Matata mean?
No worries
Who is the main character in the book Hatchet?
Who is the main character in the book Island of the Blue Dolphin?
Who is the main character is Wild Fire?
Sam Castine
Who is the main character in book Sign of a Beaver?
What is the correct way to write sentence 11? (11) House has a light show set to Jingle Bells. A. This house has a light show. Set to Jingle Bells. B. A house has a light show. Set to Jingle Bells. C. This house has a light show set to Jing
This house has a light show set to Jingle Bells.
What change, if any, should be made in sentence 3? (3) They seemed to look for flowers more closer to the trickling fountain. A. Change look to looking B. Delete more C. Change closer to closser D. No change needs to be made in sentence 3.
Delete more
1. How should sentence 1 be changed? (1) The butterflys flew off the fence to flutter around the flowers instead. A Change butterflys to butterflies B. Change off to of C. Change to flutter to they flutter D. No change is needed in sentence
A Change butterflys to butterflies
Jacadi is setting up a tent. Each section of the tent pole is 2/3 yard long. She needs 4 sections to make 1 pole. How long is 1 tent pole?​
One tent pole is 2 2/3 yards long.
The attendance for the first game of the football season was 93, 584. The attendance for the second game of the season 104, 227. How many more people were at the second game than the first game?
10,643 more people were at the second game.
Caleb draws 14 dogs on each of 4 posters. He draws 18 cats on each of 6 other posters. If he draws 5 more dogs on each poster with dogs, how many dogs and cats does he draw?
184 cats and dogs
Ace Manufacturing ordered 17 boxes with 85 footballs in each. They also ordered 15 boxes with 90 baseballs in it. How many more footballs did they ordered than baseballs?
95 footballs
A family of 2 adults and 3 children went out to dinner. The total bill was $42. Each child's dinner cost $4. How much did each adult's dinner cost?
A recipe for vegetable soup contains a total of 924 calories. The dish serves 6 people. How many calories are in each serving?
154 calories
Six out of the 12 members of the school choir are boys. In simplest for, what fraction of the choir is boys?
1/2 are boys