Edit Game
Course 4 Rw U.10 exercise

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm 21 today!!!! = You are? Congratulations!!
You are? Happy birthday!!!
My sister had to go to the hospital,but she's Ok./ Really? Congratulations!
Really? Thank goodness!
I lost my job last week!!!! You did? Happy birthday!!!
You did? I'm sorry o hear that!!/ You poor thing!!
I didn't bought a sweater last week.
I didn't buy a sweater last week.
I have a job interview tomorrow! You did?You poor thing!
You do? Good luck!
Did you (irregular verb)....?
Did you (free).....?
Did you(regular verb)....?
Did you (free)...?
What's the past of study?
What's the past of go?
I working a lot yesterday!
I worked a lot yesterday!
Did she passed the test?
Did she pass the test?
I fell down the stairs but I'm ok! You did? Congratulations!
You did? Thank goodness!
I lost my keys!Now,I can't enter my house! You did?Good for you!!
You did? I'm sorry to hear that!
I won First place in the spelling bee last year.(Conv.Strat) You did?Good luck!!
You did? Congratulations!
I won first place in the spelling bee the last month.
I won first place in the spelling bee last month.
I did traveled to Cancun last year.I visited my niece.
I traveled to Cancun last year. I visited my niece.
Did you went to the movies last Saturday?
Did you go to the movies last Saturday?
I didn't did my homework because I was exhausted.
I didn't do my homework because I was exhausted.