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What type of rulers were able to take control of Spain and transform it into a powerful Christian country?
Kings became wealthy and politically stronger because of what?
The Crusaders capturing Jerusalem was a result of what?
The First Crusade
When was the 1st crusade?
Who did the Crusades impact in Europe? What was the impact specifically?
Jews and Muslims. The attacks on them both increased.
People carried the plague along trade networks that linked the East and the West.
What did manor lords do so that surfs could not have a higher wage?
They passed laws that limited the movement and wages of serfs
What were infected fleas and air borne bacteria a result of?
the Bubonic plague
People who carried the plague and traveled up rivers and along inland trade routes to the interior areas causing the plague to move inland away from the coasts.
There were how many crusades?
What else is the bubonic plague and the great dying known as?
The Black Death
A strong feudal system emerging in England and all those in a position of power were of Norman birth were both direct results of what?
Norman conquest of England
What definition was “The way of the warrior,” a strict code of conduct that guided samurai behavior?
What made it clear that even a King must obey the law?
Magna Carta
Roaming armies destroyed crops, causing starvation due to the Hundred Years’ War.
Peasants worked the land.
Samurai provided military service
Daimyo provided protection
Who were constantly fighting among themselves for land and power caused the Era of the Warring States.
What was a strict social system in which landowners grant people land or other rewards in exchange for military service or labor?
List 2 or more social conditions that led to the development of Feudalism in Japan.
Lawlessness and violence
Who were legally bound to the lord’s land but they were not bought and sold as slaves?