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C1 Revision 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe a situation when you have to prepare for hiking in your area
Your should say -what is important to keep in mind -things you need to do first -things that might be challenging
Modern people feel like trapped in the rat race while living in the city. If it was your call, would you consider becoming a globetrotting vagabond to get some R&R?
You should say: -your feelings about travelling and daily grind -opportunities you have from both ways of living -explain your choice
You’ve seen the headline that says there’s been UFO sightings in your area
You should say: --if you believe it and why --If you spread the news  --If you’re are easily taken in by similar stories
with the boom of technologies and social media in particular, more and more people go for drastic changes in appearance to match the image. Express your opinion on the situation above
You should say: - What facial features you consider acceptable/not acceptable - Your attitude to photoshopped pictures - if the surgery is an ultimate solution
Some people have a tendency to go on crush diets to shed some flab but fail to keep the diet long. Express your attitude to the fad.
You should say:   - what the reasons are for the situation described; - share your personal experience of diets to lose/gain weight - how one can cu
Describe an interesting town or city in Ukraine/ city you live(d) in that visitors might enjoy.
You should say:   •what the place is called •where the place is •what the facilities are like •and say why visitors might enjoy going there